Monday, March 16, 2009

Fresh Breath Has Gone To The Dogs

Recently a really good friend of mine lost her dog during a routine teeth cleaning. It came as a shock to everyone because we, as humans, don’t view a dental visit as something dangerous. As a pet owner, I know that teeth cleanings are vital to Sammy’s health. Studies have shown that the number one health problem in dogs and cats is oral disease. Accumulated bacteria in the mouth can also lead to disease in other organs, such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Small breed dogs should get a dental cleaning done at a young age, around 2 years old. A large dog may not need to get his or her teeth cleaned until their senior years.

When you take your pet to the veterinarian to get his or her teeth cleaned, they will be placed under anesthesia, so make sure to get preliminary blood work done. It is also important to understand the procedure:
1) Your pet will be put under
2) An oral exam is performed
3) The plaque is scaled off and teeth are polished
4) Any lose or broken teeth are extracted
5) Pain medication is administered
However, if your pet doesn’t like the vet, or you are uncomfortable putting your animal under anesthesia, a great alternative to teeth cleaning is Nolvadent Oral Cleansing Solution. This is how I clean Sammy’s teeth and it works great. Nolvadent helps maintain your pet’s oral health and freshens breath too! It can be used as an oral rinse or with a toothbrush to remove food particles and debris from the teeth and gums of your pet.

Whether you decide to take your pet to the vet or clean their teeth at home, make sure you do your research and ask questions!